Sunday, November 18, 2012

In My Mailbox (#12)

Being gay in high school is not always easy, and now Kyle is having unexplained visions. His friend, Jenny, is convinced that he is psychic. When thefts occur at school, Kyle realizes that his visions may be the key to solving the crime, if only he could figure them out.

As editor of the school newspaper, Kyle almost has more on his plate than he can deal with. When the news staff tries to figure out who the thief is, personalities clash and tensions rise. But the challenges will form friendships that Kyle never would have imagined. And Kyle’s world will be changed forever.

“So I’m both gay and psychic? That’s a lot for one high school guy to handle.”
 from smashwords 

I'm so excited to read this next month. :) Sounds absolutely amazing, and a breath of fresh air in the young adult genre. 


  1. Sounds quite interesting! Never read a book like it! Thanks for sharing :) Following you now too! Stop by whenever! Got my new review out on Matched ;)

    xoxo Readiculously-Peachy

  2. I've not heard of this one before! I hope you enjoy it though! Happy Thanksgiving!

    Check out my IMM & SP.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. New follower here. Sounds interesting. Enjoy! Feel free to check out my IMM
